Books Magazine

What Shall I Review?

By Lucybirdbooks @lucybirdbooks

I have a list of books that I am intending to write reviews of, the only thing is I don’t know where to start so I thought I would hand it over to my readers…

What shall I review?

This one I’ve been thinking about a lot since I read it, so I want to actually get the review done. Also I’ve watched the film so I want to review the book before I ‘review’ the film (I was going to link to a trailer, but they are all too spoiler-y)

What shall I review?

This one I thought I had reviewed, then found out I apparently hadn’t, so I feel it’s overdue, but I’m not sure I can write about it with the same vigor as I would have when I had just finished it.

What shall I review?

I’ve done lots of posts about this one, but no one overall review. I don’t feel it’s urgent except that I really want people to read this.

What shall I review?

I’m not sure if I have enough to say about this one, I may save it for a set of mini reviews…except by the time I have enough I might have forgotten what I wanted to say.

What shall I review?

This was my last bookclub read and I’ve mentioned it a few times. I was ready to review it as soon as I finished, but I wanted to go to my bookclub first, and now it’s one I want to review, and have mentioned, by no necessarily top of my list

What shall I review?

If you follow me on instagram you’ve probably noticed this one. Really good book, my latest read.

Are there any you’d like to see a review of?

What shall I review?
What shall I review?
What shall I review?
What shall I review?
What shall I review?
What shall I review?

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