What I'm wearing:
Satin t-shirt - New Look
Belt - Vintage
Leopard skater skirt - Topshop
Flatforms - Office
I bought this skirt last week but it seems its sold out already as I can't find it on the website. It was £26 which I think is cheap for Topshop compared to most of their prices in store at the moment. I could easily have just paired this with a plain black top but I'm trying to think outside the box with my wardrobe especially as one half of it is at Mr D's and the other half is at my parents and I hate wearing the same thing/same style too often as I end up hating the item in question. Plus its boring and I hate it when clothes are boring!
The wind was really blowing when these photos were taken so I decided to embrace the wind and my inner-wannabe-dancer and decided to twirl in the last photo, its mainly for comedy value rather than for showing off the outfit - look at my face!
I've got a right thing for silk/satin t-shirts at the moment as they look a bit more dressy then normal t-shirts but keep the outfit casual at the same time. Looking at these photos now though, I really should have ironed it!
Have you been thinking outside the box with your wardrobe? Or have you been embracing colour, if you have any outfits, link me to them in the comments, I'd love to see!
"believe in yourself"