Lifestyle Magazine

What’s Your ‘one Thing’?

By 74limelane @74LimeLane

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What’s the ‘one thing’ you want to do? Your dream job or project.

I’ve been thinking about this lately because of my own dream project.

A magazine.

Yep, once a journalist always a journalist. I’ve always wanted to bring to life a publication all of my very own. [Notwithstanding the cut and paste jobs I made as a child.]

Time is my greatest enemy here. There is a lot of work going into an “edition” and to make it a regular thing, well that’s a big commitment.

But I hold on to the dream, storing ideas away in my head, thinking of ways to make it happen.

I have even gone as far as started a design, secured a domain name and even a Twitter handle.

And so then I wonder, do you have a dream? And what’s holding back your dream?

I think it would be great to be able to match people’s skills and ideas with other people’s skills and ideas to bring some of these dreams to life.

But sometimes we are afraid to ask.

So I’m going to put it out there, I’ll go first.

Anybody want to help develop a magazine? Let’s talk. I’m mainly looking for some regular contributors.

And second, do you need help with your dream? Maybe we can help?

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