Art & Design Magazine

What’s on My Sewing Table: The Little Project That Could

By Mmadalynne @mmadalynne

wearable muslin 2 1 of 11 Whats on My Sewing Table: The Little Project That Could

You’ve had one of these projects, I know you have. Try as you might, whatever you’re making doesn’t turn out the way you envisioned, not even the second attempt. Yes, every project ends differently than what what you originally planned, but this type of project isn’t a good departure from the itinerary. I posted about my first attempt at Simplicity 7456 here, and how I wasn’t happy with it and I was going to try again. The fit wasn’t off a lot, but it was off enough to make the outfit not wearable or flattering. Well, I tried again, and me still don’t like (grammatically correct?). The picture is black and white, but it’s a red top and short set made with 100% wool with an antique lace bib top applied. It also has contrast topstitching. I’ve always wanted a head to toe red outfit and I thought this pattern would be perfect for it. Unfortunately, the fabric was not the right choice. The wool is too lightweight for what I was going for. I’m not giving up though and I will keep trying. Why? Because I believe in this project. I know that with the right fabric and fit, this outfit would cause a stir. So onto numero tres I go… (does anyone know how to say good luck in Spanish?)

wearable muslin 2 1 of Whats on My Sewing Table: The Little Project That Could

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