Despite the "roller-coaster" weather we have had, with temperatures lurching from one extreme to another, a dearth of rainfall but a surfeit of wind, the plants are (surprisingly) apparently managing all right. I never cease to be amazed at how well they cope!
I'm keeping the succession going in the veg-plot.
My Leeks look as if they are ready for planting-out:
Would you say these are "pencil-sized"? We are always advised to delay planting until they are that size...
Pencil-sized or not, they have to wait for another few days. When my Kohlrabi are lifted, then the Leeks can go in.
The Broad Beans are nearing the end of their days too:
Both types reached a height of about five feet. From a distance they don't look too bad, but if you were to look closely you would see that they are very ratty - and full of Blackfly too! Furthermore, there are no pods left on them. They have to go.
They will be coming out at the weekend, and in their place will go the PSB for next Spring, and maybe a couple of Cabbages too.
The Sweet Potato plants are growing rapidly. There are three in this container.
They have all reached the edge and are trying to climb out.
After I took this photo I draped the plants around the inner edge of the container and pegged them down, so that the stems remain in contact with the compost. I have no experience with growing Sweet Potatoes, so I'm unsure about when they will begin to produce tubers. Presumably not until late Summer / early Autumn.
I have some good color in the garden now too. The Calendulas are really good, and very varied in colour; the "Bishop of Llandaff" Dahlia has opened a few of its bright red flowers; the Hydrangea has turned fully pink now; the Verbena Bonariensis I bought as a tiny plant this Spring is four feet tall and producing lovely mauve blooms, and the Buddleia is showing color at the tips of some of its branches:
My purple Oxalis ("Burgundy Wine") has never been better:
Last year it was severely damaged by hail and heavy rain, but this year it seems to be thriving - and rain has definitely NOT been a problem.
This plant has great "colour contrast" potential. Its deep, even purple foliage makes a good foil for other more flamboyant colours, like the warm russet of this fern:
It's not actually a very busy time. My gardening work is mostly watering. With so many pots this is essential. Other than that, it is mostly "sit back and watch things grow". Nice!
P.S. If my friend Dominika is reading this - Thank You for the seeds, which arrived yesterday!