Just like an actor getting into character, sometimes we need a little reminder of why we do what we do.
Recently I’ve started meeting with a couple uber-smart business ladies for regular therapy (err, I mean support and motivation) sessions. One of the exercises we’ve done is to articulate our core values – in both life and business. Identifying these elements helps us stay true to ourselves and reminds us to live and work purposefully.
So what are your Core Values?
Try this exercise to help you identify what is most important to you (adapted from the book The Right Brain Business Plan)
1. Think about a time in your life when you felt very satisfied. List out a couple of positive feelings you had at that time, and then list some specific points about what was going on then.
For me, I thought about the end of college – I had worked really hard, was involved with a lot of projects, had a great job lined up and was planning my wedding. I felt hopeful, strong, smart, connected and loved.
2. Think about a time when things weren’t going so great and walk yourself through the same steps.
At my worst times I have felt out of control, disconnected and stupid.
Start connecting the dots between the positive and negative and you will likely see that your emotions are tied to the same core values.
What I value most: Freedom, Intelligence, Strength of Character, Connectedness
I keep these words tucked away in my mind to recall whenever I’m feeling stuck or just plain ‘don’t wanna’ do something. There is a reason we operate the way we do, and it’s these values that drive us. By asking ” what would my truest self do?” decisions become a lot easier and will keep you going when the going gets tough.