Diaries Magazine

What’s in My @Inflenster VowVoxBox ?

By Djrelat7 @djrelat7
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This is a reveal of what is in my @influenster #VowVoxBox on Youtube. MyPocketfulOfThoughts.com

If you follow me on Instagram you know that I got the new Influenster VowVoxBox in. Its a box of products I get to review and share my thoughts with you about. Last time I got a ton of goodies in the #VivaVoxBox. This box is especially for those attending weddings. Since I’m getting married in 120 days, 18 hours and 11 minutes I am a perfect candidate to check out what’s new for brides! This box has the special name of VowVoxBox. Read on to see what amazing products were in the VowVoxBox.

So . . . What’s in my VowVoxBox .  . .

I unveil it in this YouTube Video … tell me your thoughts in the comments below if you’re looking to try out a product or you’ve already tried one.

Which product are you looking to hear about from my Influenster VowVoxBox?

Until then,


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