Hair & Beauty Magazine

What's in My Bag?

By Misssarahlouise
What's in my Bag?
Today calls for a classic blog post. This is my favorite kind of video to watch on YouTube, as I find it somewhat fascinating to see what other ladies carry in their handbags. Like the majority of girls, I carry far more than I actually need, but I guess you never know what you will need and when.
The handbag I tend to use on a daily basis is my Zara City Bag. I absolutely love it, the size is perfect and it has plenty of zip compartments and pockets which I love. It has two handles that you can use to carry it in the crease of your arm, or a longer strap so that you can carry it either on your shoulder or across your body. It's really great for traveling with as I used this as my hand luggage when I went to South Africa. 
What's in my Bag?
In one side I keep my essentials: Purse, diary, work notebook, and a cute fold up carrier bag (an essential seeing as we have to pay for carrier bags in Wales).
What's in my Bag?
In the middle section I keep my beauty/health related essentials: pain relief, plasters, lip balm, eye drops, contact lense case, CND solar oil, hand cream, and my glasses. 
In the large section on the other side I keep pretty empty and tend to put things in here of an evening, depending on where I'm going the next day. One thing that always lives in here is my Bobble water bottle. 
What's in my Bag?
In between the 3 main sections, the bag has these open pockets which are handy to throw things in. I tend to keep things that I need on the go here which are easy to access. Here lives: My phone & headphones, my keys, some mints - usually polos, and the lipstick of choice for that day. In the other side I keep my umbrella and sunglasses, as here in Wales you never know what the weather will do.
And that's it, pretty simple yet everything I need, sometimes I throw the odd random thing in my bag but I tend to keep it pretty much the same. If you have a what's in my bag post/video, leave a link in the comments so that I can have a read! 
ps. A quick hello to a lovely lady called Louise who I email often, and who has also been requesting this post for months! 
What's in my Bag?

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