Books Magazine

What’s For Dinner? – Week Starting 16 January 2016

By Whatsheread

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In an effort to be a whole lot more organized this year, and because everyone is always posting what delicious food they make, here is what I have been serving my family for the past week. I also envision this being a detailed account of how I fail miserably at meal planning when life gets too busy. But hey, it’s real life.

  • SATURDAY – Holly had dance scattered throughout the day, so I asked Connor to throw together this Slow Cooker Potato Soup for us to eat during the football game. With the temperatures dropping, this really hit the spot. I need to remember to double the recipe next time because it was that good.

Slow Cooker Potato Soup

  • SUNDAY – Sundays are lazy days, but I always try to have a nice meal for the family. Today, I managed to roast a turkey breast using my slow cooker, so I could relax and still have a good meal. Rounded out with potatoes and gravy, it was the perfect meal for this frigid day.
  • MONDAY –  It was cold outside but hot inside as I made spicy fish tacos. I only used the marinade, but it was definitely tasty. Holly even voluntarily took leftovers in her lunch. That’s a great sign.

Fish Tacos

  • TUESDAY – Winter is definitely comfort food season. There is nothing better than gooey, cheesy pasta, so the Chicken Cordon Bleu Pasta Casserole I made tonight was perfect.

Chicken Cordon Bleu Pasta Casserole

  • WEDNESDAY – It was leftover night in the Shannon household. Connor ate early because he was home from taking his 1st semester finals early. Holly ate before dance class. Jim was busy running, and I worked late. It was not a night where we were able to eat together. I had enough fish for all four of us to eat.
  • THURSDAY – Jim and Connor are on their way to the Twin Cities in Minnesota, so that Connor can see what the University of Minnesota campus is like in January. The pasta I made on Tuesday made much more than I realized, so Holly and I stuck with leftover pasta for our respective dinners. It lost some of its creaminess in the reheating process, but it still is tasty.
  • FRIDAY – Connor and Jim were still gone, so it was just us girls again tonight. Since I could not do leftovers for yet another night, Holly requested Panera, so Panera it was.

Three home-cooked meals this week and plenty of leftovers on yet another week where Jim was gone. Not too shabby, if I do say so myself.


What’s for dinner at your house this week?

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