When you’re dating down, you aren’t always aware that you are doing it. I came up with an inventory to help you identify some of the red flags on Stop dating down! If you are doing 4 or more of these things, chances are you are settling in your relationship. Once you realize this is a feature of your relationships, then you can see if this yields a pattern in your life.
So, let’s begin by talking about the types of thinking that occurs, then we’ll talk about what occurs as a result.
Type 1: I know that s/he isn’t xyz, but they possess abc.
Type 2: I know that s/he isn’t what I normally date, but I was unsuccessful with my past types.
Both types create a false sense of intimacy, hope, trust, and disillusionment in the relationship. If you are lying to yourself in the relationship, it’s easy to disillusion yourself about the realities of the relationship. In addition to decreasing your standards, you are changing your tolerance level of other people’s lies they tell themselves and you accepting it as your reality (their bullshit).
Which invariably creates Type 3: I’m getting a shot at someone I normally wouldn’t have a shot with and this is great!
This is creating a false sense of hope in someone else and they will apply that to their next relationship. Type 3 will pursue people what they probably wouldn’t ever approach because they have this new inflated self-esteem. While the person who has admitted to dating down, has a diminished self-esteem.