Fashion Magazine

What Is Workplace-Appropriate Dressing For Summertime?

By Tanvi Rastogi @tanviidotcom
Work Week Wardrobe
With summer around the corner, it's tempting to choose work clothes that are comfortable and help us stay cool. So it's important to realize what constitutes workplace-appropriate dressing.  Ask yourself this question: 
  1. Does this follow company policy? - If there's a written dress code, abide by it. Also consider what your manager and co-workers wear, and use that information to guide your choices.
  2. Am I revealing too much? If you have to ask yourself this question, the answer is likely "yes." Avoid clothes that show too much skin, and err on the side of caution when displaying tattoos or piercings.
  3. Is this distracting? Wearing wild or bright prints can attract attention for the wrong reasons. In most workplaces, neutral colors and simple patterns, such as pinstripes, are a safe bet.
  4. Am I overdoing it? Take a subtle approach to jewelry, makeup, perfume and cologne. Also note that unconventional hair colors or styles and unkempt facial hair may be frowned upon at more conservative companies.
  5. Do I feel confident? If you're uncomfortable in your outfit, it'll show. Make sure your clothes fit well and don't require a lot of readjusting.
  6. Will I offend anyone? Steer clear of wearing apparel with profanity, political statements or other questionable material.
  7. Does it pass the final check? Give yourself a once-over from head to toe. Look out for wrinkled, torn or stained garments and scuffed shoes.

Some industries are more formal than others. A casual dress code doesn't mean that anything goes. Employees should take their cues from company guidelines and what others in the office are wearing. Staff should always look professional and project an image that reflects positively on the business and themselves.
Work Wear Wardrobe - XI MONDAY Work Week Wardrobe  Blouse | Blazer | Pants | Shoes
TUESDAY Work Week Wardrobe Shirt | Pants | Shoes
WEDNESDAY Work Week Wardrobe  Top | Skirt | Shoes
THURSDAY Work Week Wardrobe  ShirtPants | Shoes
(Casual) FRIDAY Work Week Wardrobe Tunic | Jeans | Shoes
How do you dress for work?

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