As parents, we understand the necessity of our children learning about technology, using technology and being online at school for educational purposes, but where do we as parents draw the line? And how do we draw the line if our children are being home schooled? We concern ourselves with the predatory realm the darkest corners of the internet holds but there are also other factors to take into account. We should also consider cyber bullying or too much online time stunting brain growth or imagination and creativity. All of these factors are a concern for parents and rightfully so. Now the question is how do you as a parent avoid this entirely and monitor the situation? Here are some guidelines that worked for parents sitting in the same position as you find yourself in today.
Limit Your Time Online
Children watch and learn from their idols which is unfortunately us as parents with bad habits. We more often than not don’t realize what we are doing in front of our kids. This means spending less time on your phone and more time with your kids. Basically, be the internet craving, casino sites loving, Netflix addict and ice cream after midnight parent when the lights go out!
Edit Program Access on Your Smart Devices
Programs can be removed or uninstalled. Go through your laptop, desktop, smartphones and tablets to edit these programs or download YouTube Kids. Programs such as YouTube Kids allows parents to control what their children are watching, set up passwords and remove anything parents may find offensive.
Set Online Time Limits for Your Kids
Designated times of the day, allowing children to be online, not only aids in prevention but it also teaches your child about a structured routine. Choose an hour of the day where your kids will be allowed to play games, watch movies or play online. During this hour, or however long you have chosen, discreetly keep an eye on their online activities.
Monitor Browsing History
As sneaky as it sounds, it is imperative parents monitor their children’s browsing history. If your child is old enough to understand what browsing history is and even edit it, keep this to yourself. If however, your child isn’t aware of a browsers history, share that you are able to monitor it. Prevention is better than cure they say!
Child Safety Locks
There are numerous applications available to download for your child’s online safety. Look into these to keep your little one’s safe. Speak to other parents and find out what works for them. You can also get loads of information from parenting forums and blogs. The internet may be an amazing place but it may also not be ideal for younger children.
As parents we don’t want our kids to feel as if we are policing them, but if you bring them up knowing boundaries and teaching them about respect, you should find your children will be more accepting than most.