What exactly is a home? Does it have to be your house? Or can it be a place that's really close to your heart? A place where memories were made. A place where a piece of your heart has been left. Do you have to have just one home? Or can you have many?
I believe that a person can have many homes. Any place where I have invested my heart will always be considered somewhat of a home to me.
If you follow me on Instagram, you probably know that I'm currently living with my Grandparents. Adam & I decided to each move in with our families while we are engaged in order to save money to buy a house (!!!). This is the first time I've lived with someone else since I was 19. It's been an adjustment, but I really do consider their house my home. And I will even when I move out.
Home really is where the heart is if you ask me.
And I think Ashlee of Ashlee Alaine Designs would agree. Ashlee was sweet enough to send me this print:
It's exactly what I needed to bring a little coziness to my bathroom. I've been trying to make my bedroom & bathroom at my Grandparents' house feel as ME as possible. It's a bit hard with mauve, flowered wallpaper, but hey, I'm working with what I've got ;) This "Home is Where The Heart is" print is really helping me love my bathroom. I can't help but smile every time I see the print, because I just love my home state. I'm a born & raised Florida girl, so it's perfect for me!
Ashlee wants to give one of y'all a PDF gift card toward your own "Home is Where The Heart is" state print :) Told you she was sweet! And can I just say, that these kinds of things are what I like getting for Christmas? Thoughtful & creative for the win! So if you win, maybe you can use the gift card to order someone this print as a gift!
You'll get to choose a customized font & print from the list below to make up your state print!
OH AND THE BEST NEWS: since everyone can't win (I wish they could), Ashlee is offering everyone 15% off of their Ashlee Alaine Designs order! Just use the code: LOVELYLITTLETHINGS at checkout for 15% off. Thank you, Ashlee!
You can visit the shop here to use the coupon code :)
Use the Rafflecopter widget below to enter the giveaway...good luck! I'll email the winner next week.
a Rafflecopter giveaway