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The Flipped Classroom: Pro and Con | Edutopia
I am a beginner at Google Docs, but have become more familiar with it during this past school year. I know of some schools that do all their planning meeting scheduling on Google calendar, so it can be accessed by anyone at any time, and changes can easily be made. Since I teach first graders and they are just beginning to type, there may not be much of a chance to use Google Docs with my students, but I can easily see using the google forms with parents to gather information at the beginning of the school year, and it would be interesting to see if iGoogle Calendar could be implemented in our building to schedule parent teacher conferences!
I had no idea Google Docs had a drawing component. After reading the Collaborative Brainstorming section, I can see how students could use this to create graphic organizers. What a great tool!
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Some five years ago I developed the concept of an externally hosted ePortfolio based on the MyEfolio system. Unfortunately schools in the UK were too blinkered to see the value to the student of an externally hosted and thus lifelong system.
[ ] person has written, late at night, while we are at home. Here is a link to a webpage that provides 5 ways to use Google Docs and another that includes 87 different ways to use Google [ ]
In a classroom in rural Kentucky, students can no longer use the excuse "My dog ate my homework." And that annoying churning of the pencil sharpener no longer interrupts the teacher's lesson. At Eminence Middle School -- the home of The Paperless Classroom --teacher Stephanie Sorrell has accomplished the seemingly impossible task of transforming her seventh- and eighth-grade classrooms into a paperless society! Her feat is an example of a movement toward paperless classes -- and, perhaps someday, paperless schools.
It is important to use differentiation in order to meet the individual needs of each student. In math it might be more beneficial to differentiate the environment rather than the content and in reading it may be easier to differentiate the can look at content, process, product and environment, there are many opportunities for differentiation.
Students can create "notebook" within their Evernote account for each class, and that notebook can be shared publicly. Students can upload files to their notebooks, including documents, photos and audio files.
"These PDAs do a lot more than we thought," she said, noting that all students in the class, not just the migrant ones, received PDAs. All the students use the PDA calendar function to plan their days and the calculator to do their math, she said. The PDAs have been a good thing for all kids, Sorrell said. "They have worked to motivate kids."
"Robert Cash, who teaches biology and advanced placement environmental science, says using Google Classroom has allowed him to use class time more efficiently and helped students stay on pace in the school's new alternative learning center," according to Tulsa World.
"Paperless classroom research topics" in pictures. More images "Paperless classroom research topics".