I admit it.
Yes, as a Christian, there is the belief that Jesus died and rose again, giving atonement to all of humanity that accepts it.
But what if?
It seems a person's religion is largely formed by where they are from and what they were told growing up.
You might say people move, change, convert, etc.
So, what if you don't believe that Jesus died and rose again? What would he Christian God think of that?
The gist of this post is that Jesus Christ can save anyone.Yes, the Christian God does not have the same characteristics as a God like the God in Islam. Some say they are the same entity. However, they seem fundamentally different.
There is a difference between the Christian God, who saves and atones for sins, and a God that does not.
And, before you say it, the Crusades were a different set of circumstances. They were in response to Muslim aggression before America existed and even Roman Catholic Popes have condemned the actions for going too far. What happened does not represent the Church.
Yes, the Christian God is not about killing those who are non-Christians.
What about Jesus would make one say that?
Didn't he come to those who, society might have frowned upon? He said the physician comes to heal the sick, and not the healthy. (Matthew 9:12, Mark 2:17, Luke 5:31)
He also said to "love your enemies." (Matthew 5:44, Luke 6:27)
Indeed, Jesus came to send a message to change people's thinking upside down. He did not come to judge his creation, as he knows people better than they do.
Some critics point to Bible verses about not being "yoked with non-believers" (2 Corinthians 6:14) or those who do not believe in Christ do not have God (2 John 1:9-11). For one thing, please keep in mind the context these were written.
Also, if you believe God is omniscient, then you realize he understands the desires of people deep down, in a way humans don't (Luke 16:15). The Bible is about spiritual truths, which consist of a whole body of learning. The things you should learn are not contained in one verse.
And, if one analyzes the New Testament, one would find the theme is about forgiving all people who believe , without judging. This could easily be extended to those who believe in other religions.
The New Testament is also about deeper spiritual truths, as opposed to just following the law outwardly.
Based on a whole body of works, it the author's opinion that Jesus can save everyone