What would happen if characters from two popular fictional stories gets combines? We saw the answer to that through a of a lot of mashups over the past few months. Now, we have another example. This is a Game of Thrones + The Simpsons mashup.
Adrien Noterdaem is a Belgian artist who is obsessed with ”Simpsonizing” characters from all kinds of different shows and movies. His latest victims were the main bunch from the popular TV show, ‘Game of Thrones’. He has beautiful created all the main characters from Game of Thrones to look like they come from the family of The Simpsons.
Check out the awesome artworks after the jump and hit the source links for more.
Jon Snow

Catelyn Stark

Daenerys Targaryen


Khal Drogo

Samwell Tarly

Tyrion Lannister

Main man - George R.R. Martin

[Via: Neatorama /Source: UpRoxx ]
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Roshan Jerad Perera