I used to be weirded out by yoga. I was super judgey and had a stereotype in my head regarding who could practice yoga. And let me just say that my thighs of steel didn't fit that image 😂

I LOVE lifting weights. It's my stress reliever. But I hardly ever used to stretch and give my body time to recover. So I was in a constant state of soreness. Add that with working multiple jobs and being a full time student and you have a recipe for a grumpy, unpleasant human.
When I finished school in May, I decided that I wanted to start doing yoga. I wanted to take care of my body from the inside out.
I love that yoga pushes me physically (that ish is hard you guys), mentally, and spiritually. When I'm on the mat I'm challenged to stay in the present moment. I can't hold poses if my mind is wandering to random thoughts, like my to-do list or upcoming obligations. My time on the mat is my time to really internally reflect, slow down, focus on my breath, and love on my body.
I'm so grateful for the time that I've spent on the mat and for the positive headspace that it has helped me achieve. I've managed to carry over the calmness that I experience during my practice into real life. I'm more present and more patient.
I never expected to gain so much from yoga. I originally just wanted to have some structured stretching time to improve my weight lifting and yoga seemed like a logical choice.
So while I may never be a full blown "yogi" I'm happy to have found a way to practice that works for me!
xo, Jesslovelylittlethingsblog.com