Entertainment Magazine

What I Learned Real Housewives Of Atlanta Episode 10 Puerto Read-co

Posted on the 14 January 2015 by Mikeylately @MikeyLately

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Y’all since Bad Girls Club is over with I think I should start reviewing RHOA. This episode was a mess. All I can say this episode had shade for days. So lets get into the top moments I thought were interesting this episode.

1. Claudia showing her nasty feet. That was disgusting and I need her to do something with that. She was telling the truth when she said that she looked good above the ankle #factsonly.

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2. The episode got real good when Nene and Phaedra meet Roger Bobs girlfriend and asked did she think she was too old to be a pop star and if she did crack. No no no no. But let’s get to where they went to Puerto Rico. 

3. Nene and Phaedra arriving to Puerto Rico and Phaedra telling Demetria that her stylist got it right this time. The shade in all that was so wrong… And then bravo had the nerve to show a look of Demtria looking like Rihanna meets Monsoon. 

4. The table scene was way too much. You can tell once team beast (NeNe, Porsha, & Phaedra) came in shade was about to be thrown. It

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started with Phaedra and Demetria. And the only thing I could remember is Demetria telling Phaedra the only thing they have in common was the number 8. She’s been with Roger Bob for 8 years and Apollo is going to jail for 8. Got Damb man. I had to pause the tv because that right there was some good shade throwing. Next came the main event Claudia vs. Nene . Claudia was going toe to toe with Nene especially when she made the comment about her having a college education and not being able to spell bridesmaids. And then saying her hair looked like wet noodles. Lastly, Claudia told Nene when she was her age she still had her edges….. And you know that struck a chord because Nene went below the belt saying that Claudia clitoris had left the building. All in all I think Claudia on that one because she got NeNe to play dirty. Next weeks episode looks like it will be a good one too. 


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