Diaries Magazine
Why hello there, beautiful. You know what today is, don't you? (Besides Earth Day). It is this little blog's fourth birthday. For four whole years, I have been sharing daily adventures, travel stories, memorable meals, healthful pursuits, and introspective thoughts right here. It's crazy wonderful, and yet would've hardly amounted to anything had you not joined me. I could never thank you enough.
I may, however, be able to amuse you with some life details that hardly make danielle abroad... like how my secret to talking to guys in crowded places is by asking them to take pictures of my friends and I; or how every few months, my best guy friend and I meet up for a drink--which always turns into too many drinks--to update each other on lifes tiny details (see classy beer #4 above); or perhaps this will do it for you: once, I stayed out dancing until 5am and then took a cab back to my apartment. But rather than take it all the way back, I had the cab driver drop me off one block away so I could stop in the diner for a grilled cheese with french fries. This grilled cheese, I might add, was enjoyed alone--at which point I was one of three solo diners (the other two = an odd man and a creepy older woman) in addition to a table of four guys having a standard drunken meal. Ahem. I hope you realize how sophisticated I clearly am and stick around a bit longer.