Career Magazine

What Happens to the Grads You Hire?

Posted on the 11 October 2012 by Infographixdirectory @infographixdir

Onetest conducted a huge survey with more than 2,800 former graduates to find out what happens to them after they enter the workplace, how their careers have progressed, and which industries have the best graduate retention. The infographic details such results as:

  • 23 months was the average time with their first employer
  •  The organization size was one of key factors in why they stayed
  • 67% retention rate in the Public sector vs 56% in the Private sector
  • Mining, Oil & Gas industry had the highest retention rate (82%)
  • General Metal Ability is 2X as powerful as Grade Point Average when predicting salary outcomes

What Happens To The Grads You Hire Infographic

Infographic Source:

What Happens To The Grads You Hire

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