Society Magazine

What Happened to Huffington Post Women?

Posted on the 09 December 2011 by Beckawall @beckawall

HuffPo Women, you had such potential. The Huffington Post is a liberal-leaning site. Ariana Huffington prides herself in being a supporter of women’s rights and issues. So imagine my surprise when I logged onto Huffington Post and saw this:

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Blugh. I felt like I was reading nothing new – the only article I was even remotely interested in was the one on female stereotypes in “New Year’s Eve”, but that was buried all the way at the bottom of the page. My question is: What Happened?! And how is a news website touting this as newsworthy and important information?

Women and girls need to know that this isn’t news. In fact, it’s the opposite. These are things we DON’T need to know. I don’t need to know that how I speak might be ruining my career, or hear about a woman silently taking a male friend’s statement that “fat” women are unattractive. I don’t want to know that clear communication is considered to be overrated, or my horoscope. I understand the need to combine this “magazine” material in with harder news stories; but the news that HuffPo thinks women are concerned about is downright insulting. It’s all about fitting into a man’s world and shedding aspects of being a woman, such as being a clear communicator; and silently shouldering a comment a man makes with no understanding of the struggle of women to maintain a healthy weight and body image in today’s society.

Hey, Huffington Post Women? Let’s be a little more female-friendly and a true advocate for oh, I don’t know – WOMEN.

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