Things to know about women!
When she stare’s at your mouth!
[Kiss her!]
When she pushes you or hit’s you!
[Grab her and dont let go!]
When she start’s cursing at you!
[Kiss her and tell her you love her!]
When she’s quiet!
[Ask her whats wrong!]
When she ignore’s you!
[Give her your attention!]
When she pull’s away!
[Pull her back!]
When you see her at her worst!
[Tell her she’s beautiful!]
When you see her start crying!
[Just hold her and dont say a word!]
When you see her walking!
[Sneak up and hug her waist from behind!]
When she’s scared!
[Protect her!]
When she lay’s her head on your shoulder
[Tilt her head up and kiss her!]
![What every man should know….. Things to know about a woman! the-kiss-140x200](
When she steal’s your favorite shirt!
[Let her keep it and sleep with it for a night!]
When she tease’s you!
[Tease her back and make her laugh!]
And when she is ornery!
[Hold her down and blow razz-berries on her belly!]
When she doesn’t answer for a long time!
[Reassure her that everything is okay!]
When she look’s at you with doubt!
[Back yourself up!]
When she say’s that she like’s you!
[She really does more than you could understand!]
When she grab’s at your hands!
[Hold her’s and play with her fingers!]
When she bump’s into you!
[Bump into her back and make her laugh!]
When she tell’s you a secret!
[Keep it safe and untold!]
When she looks at you in your eyes!
[Don’t look away until she does!]
When she misses you!
[She’s hurting inside!]
When you break her heart!
[The pain never really goes away!]
When she’s mad!
[Hug her tight and don’t let go!]
Call her at 12:00am!
[On her birthday to tell her you love her!]
Treat her!
[Like she’s all that matters to you!]
Stay up all night with her!
[When she’s sick!]
Watch her favorite movie with her or her favorite show!
[Even if you think its stupid!]
Give her!
[The world!]
Let her!
[Wear your clothes!]
Let her know!
[She’s important!]
Kiss her!
[In the pouring rain!]
When she runs up at you crying!
[The first thing you say is; “Who’s ass am I kicking today baby?” and just hold her!]
![What every man should know….. Things to know about a woman! passion-140x200](
The how….
Quote:The most important, the primordial relationship in your life is your
relationship with the Now, or rather with whatever form the Now takes, that is to say, what is or what happens. If your relationship with the Now is dysfunctional, that dysfunction will be reflected in every relationship and every situation you encounter. The ego could be defined simply in this way: a dysfunctional relationship with the present moment. It is at this moment that you can decide what kind of relationship you want to have with the present moment.
The decision to make the present moment into your friend is the end of the ego. The ego can never be in alignment with the present moment, which is to say, aligned with life, since its very nature compels it to ignore, resist, or devalue the Now. Time is what the ego lives on.
The stronger the ego, the more time takes over your life. Almost every thought you think is then concerned with past or future, and you sense of self depends on the past for your identity and on the future for its fulfillment. Fear, anxiety, expectation, regret, guilt, anger are the dysfunctions of the time bound state of consciousness.
There are three ways in which the ego will treat the present moment: as a means to and end, as an obstacle, or as an enemy. Let us look at them in turn, so that when this pattern operates in you, you can recognize it and decide again. E. Tolle The New Earth 2005!
What is stated here is simple, when you make a relationship out of time you will not be successful in seeing these things in her and she will need and want you to! Thank you for reading, and love to you in this moment!