One of the most intriguing questions that everyone might have asked at some point in his/her life, is what happens at the moment of death and after? If you would have asked me this question two years ago, I would have replied that, as a believer, we will go into afterlife to be judged, and you know the whole story… However, after I became a secular person, I started reasoning with scientific explanations.
Few days ago, I came across this video from TestTube that shows what happens at the moment of death biologically. So the presenter starts explaining that biologically and legally, death is when the brain is dies and starts taking everything in the body with it.
Interestingly, at the moment of death there is a massive burst of energy in the brain (near death experiences?). Following that, the brain sends a damaging signal to the heart, causing it to disfunction. Later, a wide range of neurochemicals are released in the body.
Watch the video below, and let me know what you think about death, near death experiences, and afterlife :)