What do you do?
-Run Away?
-Pull out your hair?
-All of the above?
A product that I recently reviewed, LOVED, recommended and even switched to has fallen with a 'kerplunk' on the 'curriculum floor'.

Getting to the heart of the matter, we pin down the problem. It's not the content of the material itself, but, for this particular child, the way it is presented.
This child learns history best in smaller chunks chronically rather than studying a broader, more open-ended view of a ruling 'empire' start to finish. This is just the opposite of what I would choose.
No wonder why I loved this program and he didn't.
I could try to 'make' the curriculum fit the kid - but, we all know how that works.
So, I'll chalk it up to a good learning experience and admit that I made a curriculum choice faux pas and move on!
SPECIAL OFFER FOR Homeschool Circus SUBSCRIBERS through October 31: Use code LISAtips for a $19.99 discount when you buy any curriculum CD Library plus Spanish Empire library. This post written and property of Homeschool Circus and can be found at: www.upatdawnreadytowork.com.