Sports Magazine

West Virginia : WVU Didn't Get a "W" Against Alabama on Saturday, But They Got an "R"; Respect.

By Kipper @pghsportsforum

It had been along time since I had seen WVU get such little respect. Saturday morning was extremely aggravating. From ESPN to CBS Sports to NBC Sports, it was all the same. WVU would get killed, the game would be over by half time, blah, blah, blah. All the so called "Pundits" talked about was how great Alabama was, not an ounce of respect for WVU. One mediocre and one bad season seemed to have destroyed 25 years of growth and earned respect. It was as if the 80's had returned. Yes, the 80's, back when ESPN would repeatedly call WVU the University of West Virginia, UWV.
I sent out a tweet right at halftime of the game.
18 Retweets, 21 Favorites. It had struck a chord. WVU had shown that they could hang in there with Alabama. And the Mountaineer alumni and fans wanted what was due to them, respect. As I stated in my previous blog, I didn't expect WVU to win. But I hoped they would come to play, and come to play they did. Coach Holgorsen took a huge step forward with this team on Saturday. The Defense looked 100% better And with the exception of some dropped passes, the Offense was clicking. This game could have easily gone the other way. The rest of the Big 12 stood up and took notice on Saturday. WVU is back, and will be a contender in the Big 12 this year. I am really looking forward to seeing what this team will do this season.

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