According to, West End has a fantastic range of theatres, tourist attractions, hotels, shopping, and iconic streets. I had little desire to spend any time there (not-a-tourist travel snob that I am), but! catching up with the lovely Daisy de Plume was a must.
After that full day in East London, I nearly slept in until our lunch date at Bea's of Bloomsbury. What a treat--both sleeping in and lunching with her. It felt so good to share my L.A. stories with another friend from Paris. And though I may have stumbled through a bis exchange (gosh darn reassimilated American!), Daisy, the kind soul and adorable pregnant momma that she is, didn't seem to mind :).
Following our date, I ventured over to the nearby Charles Dickens Museum to spend my time wisely while waiting for Rachael.
Yes, I'm aware this move made me a tourist. So be it! It was raining again and I'm quite the fan of Oliver Twist. The museum was great.
To continue with the touristing, Rachael and I went on to have cream tea at Soho's Secret Tea Room. The fun didn't stop there either. As we finished up our last bites of scone with raspberry preserves and clotted cream, we looked into theaters and well-reviewed plays nearby.
Then, we ran over to purchase last-minute tickets to The Play That Goes Wrong. We got lucky with great seats at a very discounted price. To celebrate, Rachael and I clinked glasses of champagne before going in to laugh our asses off at the Dutchess Theatre.
And laugh our asses off we did. My empty stomach was sore by the play's end! To remedy the situation, and cap off a spontaneously hysterical evening, Rachael and I made yet another fabulous decision to late night-dine on fancy fish and chips at The Ivy.
It was the most perfect British send-off. The next morning I boarded a train to Amsterdam to visit my brother and Lorelei...