Eco-Living Magazine

West Dorset Pro Wind

Posted on the 20 June 2014 by Dorsetenergized @dorsetenergized

At Dorset Energized we are keen to support the efforts of groups and organisations whose aims are similar to ours – promoting renewable energy, campaigning for a more environmentally friendly way of life. So we are happy to assist the new West Dorset Pro Wind Group. Below is the latest news from them:

West Dorset Pro Wind Group Update June 19th

The group formed in early June- its aims are to give balanced information about wind energy, provide some information about the 3 wind farm proposals and encouraged those who want to support a proposed wind farm development to write expressions of support during public consultation period. This update is to give some idea of what is on in very near future.

Contact Details: Facebook- West Dorset Pro Wind Group

Email: [email protected] (Website-not ready)
Joining us: Email us and let us know if you want info only or want to help in group etc.


Saying yes to wind- what’s on

If you do support wind energy, this is your chance to have your say . Expressions of support in letters or online comments to planning departments during the public consultation period and to your local district councillors are the most effective way to support wind energy in Dorset. For the 3 wind farm proposals in West Dorset , this support will be key in counteracting the influence of the anti-wind groups, politicians and media.
West Dorset Wind Farm at Tolpuddle now in planning

Last date for letters/online comments of support 4th July
Email West Dorset Pro Wind if you want details of planning application and list of points you
might want to consider in your letter.

Coming soon…

Blandford Hill Wind Farm goes to planning at end of June and Slyer’s Lane Wind Farm in September. Information on their websites. We will alert you about public consultation dates.

Slyer’s Lane Wind Farm Information Workshops- Broadview Energy

For residents of the nearby villages or Dorchester who are for, against or not sure.
Monday 23rd June 5:30-6:45 Community Benefit and Ownership

Charlton Down Herrison Hall
Monday 7th July 5:30-6:45 Television Reception

Charlton Down, Herrison Hall
Friday 25th July 6pm-7:30 Planning Process

Charminster Village Hall


West Dorset Pro Wind Group Stalls in South Street, Dorchester

First Stall held Tuesday the 17th- very positive response from many people

Planned: Sat June 21st Tuesday 24th June 24th Tuesday 1st July

Times- 2-3 hours between 10-2pm, depends on availability of helpers. Reply asap by email if you can help ; a tel. number is helpful and give times when you are available. If none of these dates suit you but you could help later on, email us and we will get back to you. Some people who have already done the stall will be there.

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