Parenting Magazine

Well, Hello December

By Hollyshaun0528 @TwinglesMom42
I know it's been a really long time since I've blogged and I'm sorry to those of you who I know are checking in and genuinely concerned about the welfare of myself and my family.
There are so many reasons why I've needed to be away, not the least of which is a seemingly endless stream of illnesses and injuries. In the past 2 months our family has gone through common colds, pneumonia, pink eye, sinus infections, ear infections, and most recently I have broken my little toe on my right foot. I've been feeling pretty beaten down lately and it's getting hard to pick myself back up. Fear of losing all of my sick leave again is extremely stressful, especially considering the fact that my husband's job is very unstable.
Further, I've felt the need to be away because so much of what I want and need to say simply should not be said online. I'm so grateful for all of the personal friends who have lent an ear or a helping hand recently.
However, there is a good deal of positive news to share as well. First and foremost, we had our family photos taken for the holidays and I'm pretty happy with how they turned out! I can't wait to send out our Christmas photo cards.
Well, Hello December
Well, Hello December
Well, Hello December
Well, Hello December
Well, Hello December
Well, Hello December
Well, Hello DecemberOur Thanksgiving was also lovely. We enjoyed our traditions of the usual holiday dishes followed by a trip out to the speedway to see the glittering lights display. It was beautiful as always. This year was particularly nice because the twins were really able to understand what we were doing and why we were there. And of course I woke up earlier than the birds to do some Black Friday shopping the next day! I was thrilled by all of the great deals - I saved more than I spent - woohoo!
On Saturday, we put up our Christmas tree and decorations. For the first time since we had children, we have a big tree in our living room. It's nice to have one again. I've missed it, but I was just not willing to drive myself crazy the last few years trying to keep 2 or 3 babies from messing up a nice tree. This year, the twins understand completely that it is a decoration and they are able to help us keep Dawson from pulling on the branches and ornaments. 
I do know that despite our challenges, we have so very much to be thankful for.
I can't honestly say when I'll be back to blogging full-time again, but I want to thank all of you for thinking of my family. Every friendship matters to me, both on and offline.
Well, Hello December

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