Hair & Beauty Magazine

Weleda Skin Food Review

By Makeuptemple @makeuptemple
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Weleda Skin Food Review
This is definitely one of the best moisturisers, I have ever used. This is more like Selexir Style quite concentrated, So just a little bit pearl / pea size would be enough. As this a quite concentrated balm it is not ideal for summer time for your face.
Weleda Skin Food Review
But you can use it on your elbows, great for elbows, I know mine is a really bad habit but I put my elbows on the table when I typing, or reading something, my elbows are pretty dry and bruised.
I apply just a little bit on the my elbows before I go to bed, it just makes it really soft as baby's bottom :) or as soft as a kitten :) which ever way you prefer to call it :)
As far as I know, Weleda is a German brand, and I can trust to any German brands eyes wide shut.
Germans are very disciplined, I know it as a person who lived in Germany and worked with German Businessmen for long time.
And this is an award winning balm. No wonder why it wins all the awards.
Even the small trial size would be enough to use 2-3 months.
75ml £8.95
10ml £ 2.25
Have you ever used any Weleda Products? What are your thoughts?
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