撮影機材 : 現在は、Olympus OM-D E-M1, E-M5 ミラーレス一眼機材に、国内散策では単焦点レンズ、海外撮影では主に明るいズームレンズを用いて撮影しております。

Dear foreign friends around the world !
Thank you very much for visiting to this Web site.
Here is the charming,attractive,or nostalgic Photo Gallery of the Wonderful streets, alleys, lanes, markets etc, around Japan and the World.
I’m glad, if you’ll enjoy virtual wandering on this web site.
Best Regards.
※ Equipment : at present, I cherish Mirrorless System Camera, Olympus OM-D E-M5 , E-M1 with fixed focal length lenses ( wandering in Japan ), and with a zoom lens having a wide angle and a high variable power ratio, which is bright such that an F value at a wide angle end is about 2.0 to 2.8.( wandering aroud the wirld).
But, Many old photos were taken with low-performance Compact digital cameras, several years ago,and are uploaded now. So,I beg you will excuse my poor photos.
You may feel nostalgic atmosphere from these old photos.

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