Welcome and thank YOU… – yes, you!
You, who has just stumbled on my blog after searching for ‘love with bhauju‘ (I’m not here to judge) and ‘nepali love story in sad situation’ (sorry to disappoint!). You who has been reading my blog from the beginning. And everyone else in between!
nepalilovestory blog has had many new readers, followers and friends since it first started last December. I just wanted to say welcome to all new supporters and thank you everyone for your ongoing love and support!
Whether you are an avid follower or an occasional reader, you can always like nepalilovestory on Facebook to keep up to date with new posts as well as extra photos and status updates!
I originally started blogging as a means to meet other people in either long distance or intercultural relationships when M went back to Nepal. I never really felt confident enough to be able to write down my feelings and thoughts, let alone to share them with the world – but here I am, nine months later with over 17,300 views on my website and even some of my articles being published on other sites!
I have made many more friends than I ever thought possible and with people all over the world! Instead of meeting just those in intercultural and long distance relationships I have been in contact with expats, people interested in Nepal, tourists, those researching on Nepal, travelers and a whole bunch of other interesting people.
More recently, some friendships have even blossomed outside of the blogging world and lead to meet ups and genuine life long friendships. I am so thankful for the opportunity to be able to find so many amazing people through writing on my blog!
Your comments and support give me the motivation to continue writing and sharing my life and love story with you all. I hope to keep on entertaining, advising and supporting you all in your lives as well!
For those of you who are new readers or these posts passed you by, then here are my top five posts to date, as chosen by you readers! Just click on the images below to open up the articles!
As always you can email me at [email protected] – I love hearing from people!
Also, if you love reading my blog then please share it with your friends and family – or even the stranger sitting next to you on the tube – to help keep the nepalilovestory blog family growing!