Family Magazine

Weekly Wrap Up - The South, Strawberries & Sunshine

By Upatdawn @lisakeva

Our Strawberry Girl!

Our Strawberry Girl!

This week in conjunction with studying the southern states and reading Strawberry Girl, we took a trip to a local strawberry field to have some 'U-pick fun'!

Strawberry Plant

My kids got to see varying degrees of ripe fruit on the plants.
Very cool!

Baby picks strawberry

The Nip Napper getting in on picking fun!

Lots and lots of strawberries!

Strawberries, strawberries, strawberries!

Southern States

Studying the Southern States!  Sweet tea anyone?

Strawberry Girl - Lois Lenski

Strawberry Girl by Lois Lenski inspired our trip

Also this week, we tried our hand at making our own fossils using Playdoh and Plaster of Paris.  Though we had mixed results, we all had fun!
Weekly Wrap Up - The South, Strawberries & Sunshine

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