I’m very excited to be launching a series of Weekly Challenges around resiliency, nutrition and exercise. Often times making small, sustainable changes can make a bigger impact on your health and performance than a huge change that can’t be sustained. My hope is that you may be able to make some tweaks to your current habits and routines that will leave you feeling energized, focused and healthy.
Real food breakfast ideas:
- whole grain toast & almond butter – this is the hemp bread I can’t live without
- real yogurt (no sugar or blue colors added) & fresh or dried fruit
- fruit smoothie made with real yogurt and fresh or frozen fruit (recipe here)
- natural whole grain cereal with milk or real yogurt
- granola with milk or real yogurt
- 100% juice – read the label as many are made of sugar or high fructose corn syrup
- steel cut oatmeal – takes a while to cook, so make a big batch and reheat
- cheese and fresh or dried fruit
- eggs and whole grain toast
- nuts and fresh or dried fruit
And here’s the Tedx Robyn O’Brien video I was talking about. The start is a little slow, but it finishes strong.