Hey, back with weekend vibes!
Will keep it short and crisp.
This weekend I want to catch a movie. Last weekend I did not see any movie and I am glad that I did not after hearing the reviews of the last releases. So this weekend I want to catch one for sure. Now, it can be Despicable me 2 (I completely adored the “Despicable me 1) or the Lone Ranger.

I have ordered a cam for me and I am desperately waiting for it. I hope it arrives today so that I can experiment it over the weekend.

Wats next???
Well, I guess most of the shopaholics might already be aware of the huge SALE going on everywhere. It’s my b’day next week and I love it more coz of the sales. I just need a reason to shop and what better reason can it be than a BDAY..!!! Have already started acting on this task…I know I am exceptionally good at this… :P

So yeaaaaaa.!! Shopping spree!
Dats all for now!
Have a happening weekend!
Oh! Something to watch by,
Disclaimer : All the images are taken from internet . Please let me know in case you want to pull any of them down or add a caption. Thanks for the awesome photography.