Art & Design Magazine

Weekend: To NYC I Go

By Mmadalynne @mmadalynne

weekend 1 of 16 Weekend: To NYC I Go

The last couple of weeks have been heavy with wardrobe talk, who new talking about ones closet could get so heavy! So, I’ll make today’s post a single and light on the ice.

Tomorrow, I’ll be hopping on a bus to NYC to meet the best Dolly Parton impersonator, Lauren! She and a large crew of sewers are headed to the city for a couple of days of meet ups and fabric shopping. Prior engagements allow me to be there for only a couple of hours, but I’ll take it! Of course, I’m all parts nervous and excited, and I’m hoping our meet up will just as smooth as my others. After a quick “hi” and “how are you,” I’m sure we’ll get right down to it – fabric, sewing, etc. So, I’ll leave it at that. Wish me luck!

Oh, and what’s that amazing, printed crepe de chine above? Just another project I’m working on. I needed a break from all that beadwork on the polka dotted WIP that I picked this one up. I’m getting good at this juggling act.

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