“Though this nation has proudly thought of itself as an ethnic melting pot, in things racial, we have always been and we — I believe continue to be in too many ways essentially a nation of cowards,”
Eric Holder 02-18-2009
Told to Department of Justice employees at an event celebrating Black History Month.
OK, Eric let’s discus the state of racial relations in this Country since you and your boss started healing us.
Ladies and Gentlemen of the Jury (FOTM) I’d like to throw a few things out and see what you guys think.
First this Zimm/Martin Trial is really getting under my skin. I do not know what happened, but it seems it does not matter to a certain segment of society who have threatened to riot and murder win, lose or draw. How you feel about that?
I would really like to reach out to some of our silent readers on this. Especially if you happen to be black. Please help me understand the mentality/hatred of it all.
Also how has the media affected all this. How badly have they played the racial angle.?
What about people like Sharpton and Jackson? I mean if people are hurt/killed should they not be held responsible.
Eric Holder, where are you on this? Freeing more Black Panthers.
Speaking of which don’t you think it might/should be against the law to hand out “Wanted” Posters on Zimmerman like the Panthers did?
Last but not least, You think our great Unifier
(If I had a son he’d look like Trayvon) should maybe make some kind of statement calling for calm?
These are just some random thoughts to get things going. What else is bugging ya about the whole mess?
Feel free to have a good ole RANT!!!. Just keep it somewhat clean.
Have fun, shred someone, and just be nice to each other. Woe be any troll who stumbles upon by accident. Smush him.
Have a lovely weekend.