about excess and controlling it. Just like your fabric stashes, my collection of sewing machines is growing out of control, and I fear that instead of ending up the little old lady with too many cats, I’m going to end up a little old lady with too many sewing machines, but this machine was calling me louder than a whippoorwill. Here’s my testimony. Natasha and I go back and forth weekly, sometimes daily, on old machines that we find on Craigslist and Ebay. She has her heart set on a Necchi, and I had my heart set out on a zig zag machine. When I first got into sewing lingerie, I bought a Singer Brilliance from Target on a whim. Not a a good choice, people. It works, but it’s fickle and skips stitches, especially zigzag, as often as Lauren completes a garment. I’ve had about enough of it – there have been few times where I was an 1/8″ away from hammering it to death. I wanted a workhorse, so when I came across a listing for a 1960s Singer 237 zigzag sewing machine (one of the last all metal interiors Singer made) on Craiglist for $50, I immediately sent an email to Natasha. “Is it worth it?” I ask. “Yep,” she said, “and you can probably work him down to $40.” And that’s what I did. For $40, I scored this barnyard item. I’ll be taking into into the shop next week to get it tuned up, and once I get it back, I’ll be sewing so many bras sans skipped stitches. “Vroom vroom,” as Natasha said.
Now, after hearing my case, I’m justified in my purchase, right (just agree with me!)?