Art & Design Magazine

Weekend: Me Made May Week 1 Recap

By Mmadalynne @mmadalynne

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I’m not a big user of Twitter and do you want to know why? Because it gets people into trouble! The urgency to respond and the lack of thought expressed in 140 characters or less results in commitments, prognostications and prophecies that in hindsight, make you grind your teeth or bite your nails. Call me old school, but I like reading and writing complete sentences; commas and capitalization are hot in my opinion.

Last week, I told you that for the first time, I signed up for Me Made May. Also in that post, I confessed that because I don’t like taking selfies, I probably would document it. The funny one of the sewing bunch (seriously, she’ll make your stomach hurt), Sonja encouraged a couple Instagram shots of myself. Stupid me didn’t think, went on Twitter and agreed. “Okay, okay… maybe I’ll do a couple IG posts for MMM. I totally blame you though,” was my exact tweet. Jen even jumped in on the conversation and agreed that I should “totally gram it out.” So here I am, wearing a 2013 me-made and taking a photo of myself. Take that Jen and Sonja!

Jokes aside, even after a week of participating, I now know why so many seamstresses join. It’s illuminating! It forced me to go into my closet and identify why I wasn’t wearing a few me-made garments. Most needed a hem. Seriously, what was I thinking in 2013 with all the below the knee dresses and skirts? I have long legs – show them off, Maddie!

So, happy Friday and happy Me Made May!

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