Lifestyle Magazine

Weekend Fun at a Classic Car Rally

By Cassiefairy @Cassiefairy

What did you get up to at the weekend? It was a surprisingly sunny day here on Saturday – almost like the height of summer – so some friends and I headed out for the day to make the most of the gorgeous weather. Our pals are classic car enthusiasts and invited us out to a rally. Gorgeous cars, beer tent and BBQ lunch – that sounds like the recipe for a good Saturday to me! Our friends kindly chauffeured us to the event in their 70s Superbird; a bit more of a suitable ride than my Skoda! When we reached the event we discovered that there were two elements of the event: classic and vintage cars. Who knew there was a difference between classic and vintage? It looked to me like all the vintage cars were like Chitty Chitty Bang Bang and ‘classic cars’ covered everything from Minis to military jeeps. I’m not the most knowledgeable person when it comes to cars - classic or otherwise - but I know what I like so I really enjoyed looking at all the shiny classic cars  in practically mint condition.  I hope you enjoy looking at some of the photos we took at the event:

Weekend fun at a classic car rallyWeekend fun at a classic car rallyWeekend fun at a classic car rallyWeekend fun at a classic car rallyWeekend fun at a classic car rallyWeekend fun at a classic car rallyWeekend fun at a classic car rallyWeekend fun at a classic car rally

While walking around the show with a glass of cider, I learnt a lot from my friends who answered my silly questions (almost without laughing!) and patiently told me the colour of the car they were talking about, knowing that I wouldn’t have a clue if they only said the name! What interested me most were how some of these old vehicles could even be on the road any more. Some didn’t even have headlights or windscreens so I wondered how they could ever get motor trade insurance, let alone breakdown cover if their ancient engines gave up during a journey, yet it IS possible and another thing I learnt during the day was the existence of a ‘daylight MOT’!

smiling car classic rally

This was my favorite little car – just look at the smile on it!

I’ve been to a few vintage car rallys over the years (usually having stumbled across them by accident!) and you’ve probably seen my posts about the VW Campervan shows I’ve been to in the past, both as a spectator and as a trader. This day out was great fun and I’m certainly broadening my horizons and learning something new! I’d love to go to more events like this, especially when the weather is as lovely as it was this weekend: sounds like a good way to spend the summer, doesn’t it?! Let me know if you’re a classic car fan and it’d be great to hear about other fun events that I can enjoy at the weekends – car-related or otherwise! Drop me a line [email protected] or tweet me @cassiefairy.


Categories: Lifestyle | Tags: cars, classic cars, day out, rally, saturday, summer, vintage cars | Permalink.

Weekend fun at a classic car rally

Author: Cassie Fairy

Cassiefairy blogs about everything she does & anything that inspires her; popular culture, film, art, fashion, recipes, craft and design.

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