Family Magazine

Week 25, Birth Plans and Football Fans

By Emilybeatrice @emilybeatrice

gif001-bWhere is the time going? I saw my midwife this week and couldn’t help but rave about how well this pregnancy is going. I mean sure there’s this weird eye acne thing and a bit of heartburn, but it does seem to be drifting along quite nicely. Of course there had to be a little bump in the road though didn’t there, I wouldn’t be writing this sort of blog if my life contained no quirks, dramas or random hic-ups…. I’d instead be writing a vintage themed, rose tinted, cupcake staked, pile of floral goodness for you all, you know the sort? Where the blogger takes a beautiful image of their child in a pretty bow sat on an immaculate sofa, the toys stacked neatly in matching canvas containers nearby (and the dirty dishes hidden the cleaning cupboard)…. I digressed sorry

Nope, as that is not my blog (or my life) I have to tell you that I found out some rubbish news this week, I first heard it on the school run, as we all know the playground is the ideal hub for gossip when you fall asleep early each evening a miss the local news… It turns out that, due to staff sicknesses in our area, all homebirths and midwife led unit deliveries are suspended for the next three months!!!!! Oh no!!! I can’t bear the thought of labouring on a packed maternity unit or having to kneel on cold hospital floors surrounded by bleeping machines, hand sanitizers and ghastly crape paper like curtains. I just know the very sight of a faded cartoon sticker on a magnolia wall will undoubtedly send me screaming for an epidural as soon as you can say ‘intervention for shrieking banshee in room 12’. Now I know that nature has its own tune and I can’t guarantee my birth of choice, but it seems so unfair that I may have this decision taken away from me. On the plus my midwife this week did say they will be reviewing the situation at the end of august and it could all be ok for my September due date…. Not that Im panicking or worrying or anything, Im perfectly Zen about the situation… hey maybe I’ll go and give birth in a wood and be at one with nature surrounded by animals and shit.. with a film crew looking on…. You’ve read that article haven’t you?

Roo is down to two feeds a day lastly approximately 5 mins each so I don’t think our nursing relationship will continue much longer, he is having the odd cup of cow’s milk in the day now too and seems happy enough. I even managed to leave my husband to the bedtime routine last week while I attended The Southwest Blog Event. In true ‘Slummy Mummy’ style I left my scarf behind meaning I earned a little mention (anonymously) in the follow up email FAIL.

Football fever has struck the Macdonald household so hopefully I will have a little more time for blogging while Scotty insists on watching every single game. I was taking a little nap a few days ago, only to be awaked my some furious tapping from the corner of the room where he was desperately trying to fit an aerial onto the bedroom TV so he could escape over the next couple of weeks. No luck and we’re stuck with non-stop matches on the family television all evening. Still ‘one born’ is on series link so hopefully all is not lost.

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