My prayers go out to the people in Boston. It’s so sad to hear what happened. Countless killings need to end. I don’t know. It just seems like these types of things keep happening more and more. Makes you really put things in perspective. Life is too short. #prayers #reflection
I guess there will be no holograms at Coachella this year. Kinda sucks. I really liked the Tupac hologram last year. Wouldn’t mind seeing one of Whitney Houston or even Michael Jackson. #RIPLegends
I keep asking myself. What happened to my healthy eating habits? What happened to my New Year’s resolution? What happened to the promises I made to that Bikini I bought last year? It’s ridiculous. Lately, it’s been a lot of candy bars and Starbucks runs. #twix #overload
I cannot believe it. I’ve been wearing the same manicure (Sally Hansen Brisk Blue) for the last 2 1/2 weeks. Just chips and cuticles everywhere – it’s not a good look. The shame. The horror. And I have the audacity to call myself a Beauty Blogger. #smh
Finally! Gonna do some shopping this weekend. I finally bounced back from all my holiday spending (victory cheer). And, I’m pretty sure everyone is tired of seeing me in the same pair of dark denim skinny jeans from forever 21. I was hoping someone would notice and possibly start a collection for me? A get-Nicole-a-new-pair-of-jeans fund. I soon realized, no one pays that much attention – ever. #realitycheck

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Note to self: Experiment with a new cupcake recipe. Something with raspberries. Maybe this weekend? #imissbaking
Didn’t you just say you need to start eating healthier? Another to self: F-O-C-U-S! #stayontrack
For the last two weeks I have been anxious. Anxious to watch the Real Housewives Of Atlanta Reunion. And, for the last two weeks I’ve been disappointed. Really, really disappointed. Why must everything be over-hyped, Bravo? More importantly, why am I so obsessed with the drama? I NEED DRAMA. Hopefully the finale won’t be such a bore. #yawn #RHOA