I'll be spending 5 good minutes with some of my favorite wedding vendors in the coming months. I hope these little snapshots help you make some good decisions about the "staff" you select for your special day!
Today's 5 minutes is dedicated to make-up artist and hair stylist, Danielle Ruggiero. Enjoy!

- How did you get started and how long have you been doing makeup professionally? In middle school and high school I was always the friend that was doing all the hair and makeup for dances and special occasions even if I didnt have my "official" license. Friends always trusted me to give them a glam look :) I have been doing makeup professionally for about 5 years now... I attended cosmetology school, and then went on to California and studied different techniques, including special effects makeup. The only time I've found myself happy and the only thing I could honestly see myself doing was hair/makeup. I managed to work at a small salon while in school and just LOVED being there... It wasn't long before I decided that I would pursue doing hair and make-up professionally and I have not looked back.
- What motivates you the most at this stage of your career? A LOT motivates me! I feel as though I have a lot of education and training under my belt for this industry but I learn something new everyday! Growing up I collected magazines.. Anything from Glamour to Cosmo... I would cut out makeup looks, tips and everything involved in the makeup world... I keep a journal of all these photos and refer back to them. Discovering new products, working hand in hand with photographers and models at photo shoots, and after a make-up trial: sharing the moment of happiness and relief that my brides feel, knowing how they will look on their big day... That feeling is unlike any I have ever experienced!
Another big motivator for me occurred back when I worked at the salon. After a long, exhausting day of work, an older couple walked into the salon and asked if I had any time for just one more haircut before I closed shop... I was exhausted and honestly just wanted to go home and lay down. But I went ahead and decided to do one last haircut for the night. The elderly lady sat down and began to tell me that she was just diganosed with stage 4 termnal cancer and she wanted me to shave her head. She began to cry and explain that she has never had short hair let alone been bald but she couldn't stand to watch it all fall out. So I took out my clippers and made her beautifully bald. Before they left, her husband asked if he could get his head shaved in support of her so she didnt have to be alone in this. I said of course. After they paid and left I went in the back room and broke down. I couldn't even begin to understand what they were going through and felt fulfilled to have experienced that. It forever changed my outlook on my job and what truly it is that I do. This service that I provide can actually change peoples lives. - What advice would you give an up-and-coming make-up artist? Don't assume that you are better than other makeup artists or hair stylists. Do not be cocky. There is a difference between being confident in what you do and thinking that you are the only one in the world that can do what you do. You want to have the kind of personality that people love to be around. You have to be willing to check your ego at the door and be open to learning things from others in your industry. You do not know everything and there is ALWAYS something you can learn. Be open.
- Can you list some tips for brides that are searching for just the right make-up artist to partner with on their big day? Make sure you schedule a trial so that you have a chance to speak with the artist and get to know them. You should feel comfortable and confident in your artist. They should know what you want from them and you should be assured that they will deliver exactly what they say they will. Do not feel intimidated by your artist. They are just people trying to help you look your best on your special day. Bring photos and ideas of EXACTLY what you want and do not want. Its always better to have a visual to reference. Finally, if you have any allergies let the artist know up front!
- What’s the best way for potential clients to contact you and see some of your work?
Email is the BEST way to contact me: danielleruggiero56@gmail.com If you email me I WILL contact you. My online presence can be found on facebook, and you can reach out to me there as well!
Thanks Danielle and thanks to all of you for reading... Come back soon to see who we'll be spending another 5 minutes with!