Lifestyle Magazine

Wedding Guest Seating Ideas

It is time to start seating those guests that you have lovingly invited to your big day! Every season, I usually do a small roundup that showcases some fresh ideas...

Wedding Guest Seating Ideas

How cute is this? GREAT idea for the humorous couple... Guests will love it!
From the hilarious: Wedinator page

Wedding Guest Seating Ideas

Wonderful option here for syncing place cards and your menu. Brilliant idea and also will create cost efficiencies.
Colin Cowie Weddings

Wedding Guest Seating Ideas

Wonderful way to utilize Washi Tape! Fresh look and the stripes just make it more fun.
Style Me Pretty

Wedding Guest Seating Ideas

The corks are a nice touch and you can never go wrong with tags!
Elizabeth Anne Designs Blog

Wedding Guest Seating Ideas

Finally, don't think your place cards (unless your wedding is uber-formal) that everything has to be "match-matchy"
Wedding Chicks

Take care til' next time and have great weeks'!

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