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Wedding Essentials : Last Minute Blunder Fixes & Tricks

By Thedreamery

Wedding Essentials : Last Minute Blunder Fixes & TricksA wedding is always a beautiful occasion, but it should come as no surprise that with it come some unexpected mishaps. So what are you supposed to do about a zipper that won’t budge, a bustle that won’t stay up, bridesmaids shoes that are still hurting their feet, a lipstick smudge or wine on a groomsman’s shirt? As an event planner, we’re always prepared for these accidents with our Wedding Emergency Kit, which is something easy enough for the MOH to put together and keep on hand for these last minute blunders.

And today I’ve got all the quick fixes and tricks to get over any unexpected wedding day accident and make sure the big day is just as beautiful as you have envisioned. So here’s how to get rid of that darn smudge on your gown and take care of anything that might come up, right away….

Bustle Trouble 

Have a wedding gown bustle that keeps falling down? Your best bet is to prepare ahead of time by asking your seamstress to reinforce your bustle at your last fitting with monofilament, better known as fishing line {made with a single fiber}. This will ensure its strength to hold up against any snags or kicked-up heels.

If it does fall and you haven’t taken this step beforehand, make sure you have a sewing kit in your emergency kit and repair it with some needle and thread. If time is really short secure the bustle underneath with safety pins, which should also be in your kit.

Loosening a Stuck Zipper

Try slowly easing the fabric free with your fingertips. If that doesn’t work, rub the teeth of the zipper gently with a white crayon, white bar of soap or white candle {white pencil works too, but it can smudge certain garments}. Zipper Ease is another trusty option to have on hand for your big day.

Damaged Hem or Ripped Dress 

The bottom of any gown gets roughed up pretty well. To easily brush away dirt, use a clean, white terry cloth to remove. For stubborn soil, make sure the fabric is dry and sweep the stain briskly with a clean makeup wedge toward the edge. If the hem has fallen, or ripped, use a thin strip of double-sided tape or fabric tape to secure in place. You can do this for any last minute rip too.

Unsightly Stains & Smudges 

There are different products that can totally fix a number of stains, but a great overall cleaner like this one that comes with three products to treat various stains, is great to have on hand. For quick homemade fixes, here’s what you can do….

For delicate fabrics…hairspray on a Q-tip or Shout wipes can be gently rubbed on the stain

For watermarks…dab the fabric with a white cloth, then steam the spot to eliminate. DON’T use a hairdryer, it will make the watermark bigger in certain fabrics.

For red wine…absorb as much of the stain as possible using a white lint free towel, by dabbing DO NOT rub that stain. Then dab gently with another cold water soaked white cloth, from the outer edges of the stain to the middle. Cover any remaining stain with white chalk of baby powder.

For grease and oily food…dust the stain with baby powder to absorb, then gently brush away. Wet a Q-tip with rubbing alcohol and dab from the outer edges of the stain to the middle. Cover any remaining stain with white chalk of baby powder.

For ink…wet a Q-tip with rubbing alcohol, and dab from the outer edges of the stain to the middle. Protect the underside of the dress with a white cloth to absorb ink.  Cover any remaining stain with white chalk of baby powder.

For lipstick or makeup…try a stain removal wipe, gently dabbing at the stain. Cover any remaining stain with white chalk of baby powder.

For blood…use a gently soaked white cloth in cold water, and blot from the outer edge to the middle.

For deodorant…use a clean pair of nylon pantyhose or clean white makeup sponge to gently erase the marks.

Shoe Fixes

Brand new shoes sure look pretty, but they can also be a pain. To prevent slippery shoes, roughen up the soles with sandpaper, focusing more on the front 2 inches. To prevent those painful blisters, wear you shoes in at home several times and apply a few dabs of Solemates Blister Blocker, or place Blister Protection Strips in the spots that continue to bother you.

For scuffed shoes, on fabric shoes cover the marks with white chalk. For white leather lightly brush white out onto the scuff and allow to dry, and for black leather shoes, simply fill in the scuff with permanent marker.

Make Sure You’re Always Camera Ready

Puffy or Red Eyes…A few drops of Red Eye/Rewetting Eye Drops and a cold compress made from a washcloth or cold Green Tea bags will do the trick

Facial Spots, Blotches or Acne…If an unexpected facial disaster happens to the bride a day or two before, a dermatologist can give a cortisone injection. For the morning of facial mishaps, apply an on the stop cream and then concealer to the pimple with a brush, then setting with powder. DON’T try to pop the pimple, minimal touching is the best thing you can do.

Shaving Nicks or Cuts…Use a hemostatic that stops bleeding, then use an antiseptic to clean the skin. Make sure these items are in the first aid kit you should definitely have on the wedding day.

Runny Mascara/Eyeliner…Clean makeup marks using a facial cleansing wipe. Then use concealer to cover and blend well. If you don’t have a face wipe, use olive oil on a Q-tip to remove makeup.

An Overly Sweaty Bride/Groom or Bridal Party…Dry shampoo works wonders at controlling hot and wet conditions under arms and down the back too. 

Wedding Essentials : Last Minute Blunder Fixes & Tricks
To Prevent Any Mishap…Do A Trial Run! Part of the beauty of your wedding day is seeing the vision of your whole look come together for the first time. But don’t let fear of spill or tears stop you from seeing you entire look beforehand. Doing a trial a run two week before your wedding day can actually prevent mishaps. Have someone with you that will be there to help you get dressed on the day of of your wedding, and wear everything you would as if on the big day – everything from your Spanx to the veil. Practice sitting, walking, lifting your hands and walking up/down stairs, that way if something pinches, slips or digs into you skin, you have time to resolve it either at home or with your seamstress.

Even if you aren’t getting married these last minute blunder fixes and tricks are ones you need to Pin and save for later! 

top image via Style Me Pretty | bottom image via Elizabeth Messina

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