Debate Magazine

Website Offers $1M Bounty for Hillary Clinton’s Medical Records

By Eowyn @DrEowyn

Hillary being helped up stairs 2016Today, the website True Pundit increased its reward to a whopping $1 million for Hillary Clinton’s medical records.

Here’s True Pundit‘s announcement: was the first and only news organization to offer a reward for Hillary Clinton’s medical records in recent days, first promising $20,000 for the ailing Presidential candidate’s records before increasing the windfall to $50,000.

Hillary Clinton’s health has deteriorated so much in recent weeks that a physician is at the Democratic presidential nominee’s side at all times and ready to administer emergency medication via military- style auto-injector to help prevent severe seizures and brain damage and who knows what else.

As calls for Clinton to release her own records have been ignored and even laughed off by her pompous campaign, True Pundit is now offering an unprecedented reward of $1 Million (One Million Dollars US) for Clinton’s true medical records.

“We have assembled a group of Patriots who have decided to go to the wall for the future of the United States by personally guaranteeing this reward,” said True Pundit Publisher Thomas Paine. “This is a historic day, hearkening to the 1770s when Patriots pledged their wealth to ensure the freedoms of this country. This is a substantial amount of money which reflects the stakes today are just as high as they were in the birth years of this country.”

A frustrated Paine last week pleaded with seemingly docile Americans to rise and reclaim their country. He said in recent days a group of successful Patriots quickly emerged, eager to change the course of the 2016 U.S. Presidential Election.

“This is history,” Paine said. “This is the stuff you read about in history and government classes growing up. We are all proud to be involved. A million dollars can buy you safety. It gives a would-be whistle blower some ease.”

Clinton is rumored to be suffering from a plethora of medical ailments, including:

*Post-concussion syndrome
*Parkinson’s Disease
*Brain tumor
*Brain injury
*Complex partial seizures
*Many more alleged ailments

Meanwhile, a new video clip has surfaced of Hillary having another brain freeze:

While Mike Cernovich, on Danger & Play, points out that in her campaign appearances, there’s always a stool nearby for Hillary Clinton to sit on.

Hillary's stools

And if there isn’t a stool nearby, Hillary will lean on a railing, a kitchen chair, or a kitchen table, as seen in this video of her visit yesterday to Joe Biden’s childhood home in Scranton, NJ:

For the posts FOTM has published on Hillary’s health problems, see:

  • Hillary Clinton wears a catheter?
  • Strange bulges under Hillary’s coat suggest a defibrillator vest
  • New photo of Hillary being propped up so she wouldn’t fall
  • Hillary Clinton is unfit to be President: Photographic proof she has seizures
  • Is the hole in Hillary Clinton’s tongue from cancer surgery?
  • Bombshell: Hillary Clinton has dementia according to leaked medical records
  • There is something very wrong with Hillary
  • Did Hillary have a brain seizure on camera?
  • Best explanation for Hillary’s coughing fits
  • Hillary’s health: her meds, thick eyeglasses, and what doctors say
  • Hillary Clinton is ‘often confused’
  • Hillary is dealing with mounting health issues, new book claims
  • Hillary Clinton said to have multiple sclerosis; a stroke risk
  • Ophalmologist says Hillary’s thick glasses were for double vision from ‘severe head trauma’

H/t FOTM‘s maziel and MCA


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