Languages Magazine

Webbmedia Group Calls MindMeld's Technology an Emerging Trend for 2014

By Expectlabs @ExpectLabs

"The exciting promise of Google Now and MindMeld is in the ability to anticipate what content might interest us next… As a result, news organizations have thrilling opportunities in the months ahead to supercharge the reporting process and to personalize content in ways we have never seen before.”
We’re honored that Expect Labs was identified as one of the top companies working in anticipatory computing by digital strategy agency, Webbmedia Group. Their 2014 Trend Report highlights the ideas they envision will shape the technology and digital media world in the next twelve months. Webbmedia predicts that anticipatory computing software has the potential to transform the field of journalism by predicting news before it breaks, along with helping news organizations push out highly personalized content to its readers.
Webbmedia’s goal is for companies to use the forecast to devise strategies based on what they perceive to be the year’s biggest growth areas. Some of the other trends listed include the rapid rise of sensors, wearables, Internet of Things devices, and smart personal assistants that harness the power of anticipatory computing.
Which themes do you foresee making an impact on the technology landscape in 2014? Flip through the entire presentation above, and let us know what you think!
(Source: Webbmedia Group)

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