Baseball Magazine

We Remember The Fallen On Tuesday

By Theomnipotentq @TheMightyQuinn
We Remember The Fallen On TuesdayTrivia will be happening this Tuesday night, May 21st at 8:30 PM, with "Memorial Day Trivia" as the Special Category. It will be seven questions connected to that special holiday where we remember those Americans who gave their lives for our nation. The Q Train lightning round will be "21st Century Movie Characters Trivia." I will give you the names of ten famous characters from popular movies of this century, and you have to tell me what film that character was in. I will also give you the year the film was released as well.
The Sneak Peek question for this week is:
"Robert DeNiro won his first Academy Award for what film?"
We will be back on the main floor of Professor Thom's for Trivia on Tuesday night, as the Stanley Cup Finals will not yet have started for the Bruins. Hope to see many of you on Tuesday!

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