Entertainment Magazine
We're Only Here For The Banter - A Fight You Can't Win
Posted on the 19 June 2013 by Scottishfiction @scotfiction984It's almost a given these days that bands have a multitude of labels and genres attached to them, in an effort to both categorize themselves and carve a niche out. A Fight You Can't Win could easily refer to the efforts to categorize the music of A Fight You Can't Win. Grunge, punk, rock all with pop sensibilities. Whatever it is, it's loud and fucking great.
Hello, how are you?
Very well; mostly sweaty, tired and recovering from some kind of mild respiratory infection.
It's the question everyone hates, but could you tell us a little bit about your music and your influences?
Probably the best way to describe out music would be angry noisy pop - lots of lovely vocals and three part harmonies that are infrequently ruined by screaming. Our usual response to the influences question is that they range from The Bronx to The Cardigans (by way of PJ Harvey and The Pixies).
What's your song writing process like?
Normally Matthew will have a chorus and verse floating about that the band then mash about for a few hours or weeks until we have a fully functioning song, usually after a few savage beatings to iron out any disagreement. It’s pretty democratic.
What could we expect to see from a live show?
Four people sweating, throwing themselves about and occasionally having a look of genuine worry for their physical health in their eyes.
If it were all to end tomorrow, what would you say has been your greatest achievement?
It probably sounds like bullshit but we’d say our most recent EP would the greatest achievement. We really didn’t expect it to come out so well. Plus the video for 'Burning Sky' is just amazing – so proud that we were part of that (working with the surreally talented Ciaran Lyons of seaoflyons).
What have you got planned for the rest of 2013?
The EP is released on 6th July with a party at Wee Red Bar in Edinburgh with Belfast trio Vanilla Gloom (and TBC). Apart from that a Scottish and NI tour is in the pipeline for the summer. We’re also writing material for what will hopefully be a full length release next year. Probably some kind of prolonged exercise regimen might be in order to ensure we don’t die during the tour.
Who would win in an A Fight You Can't Win group fight?
Probably Robbie, he’d turn into a bear and maul the fuck out of the rest of us. He’d probably then tearfully go and apologise to our parents and they’d forgive him because he’s such a cute bear with a twinkle in his wee eye (and Lesley’s spinal column hanging from his teeth).
What other artists (Scottish or not) would you recommend to the Scottish Fiction readers?
Too many to mention but for starters you should all get Vasquez, Birdhead, Black International, Shudder, Billy Ray Osiris, VerseChorusVerse, Lafaro, Fat Goth and Hagana in your earholes. All of them are amazing.
Thanks for speaking with us, would you care to share a joke with us?
Why did Nivea Cream? Because Max Factor…
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