Dogs get wet and shake it off in slow-motion from the photographic series “Shake” | Carli Davidson
How beautiful do I look? This might be a question your dog might be thinking after taking a wet bath and trying to dry himself off by shaking off water, but award-winning photographer Carli Davidson has taken wet dogs to new heights in her latest book titled “Shake.”

Beautiful black and whites of shaking dogs | Carli Davidson

Beautiful black and whites of shaking dogs | Carli Davidson

A Dogue de Bordeaux poses for Shake | Carli Davidson

A Dogue de Bordeaux poses for Shake | Carli Davidson

Dogs take center stage in Shake | Carli Davidson

Dogs take center stage in Shake | Carli Davidson

A Boxer poses for Shake | Carli Davidson

A Boxer poses for Shake | Carli Davidson

Mane /Dogue de Bordeaux | Carli Davidson

Mane /Dogue de Bordeaux | Carli Davidson

Dax/Boxer | Carli Davidson

Dax/Boxer | Carli Davidson

Roz /Chinese Crested | Carli Davidson

Roz /Chinese Crested | Carli Davidson

Katie/Springer Spaniel | Carli Davidson

Katie/Springer Spaniel | Carli Davidson

Vito/French Bulldog | Carli Davidson

Vito/French Bulldog | Carli Davidson

Cover of Carli Davidson new book Shake
Davidson began her work in photographing animals while working with the animal care team at the Oregon Zoo.
Can you handle the slobber?

left: Carli during the “Shake” shoot | right: Carla and her dog Norbert.
SOURCE: Carli Davidson | My Modern Met
VIDEO: Dogs Shake it Up!
VIDEO: Dogs Shake (club mix)