Here’s the pic for the 38th FOTM Caption Contest:
All 8 FOTM writers voted, each for his/her #1 and #2 captions.
Each #1 vote is worth 3 points; every #2 vote is worth 2 points.
And the winner, with three #1 votes and two #1 votes, totaling 11 points, is
Grumpy in Arizona!!!!
Here’s his winning caption:
“Gather ‘round kids… Watch as I sign away your future”
In second place, with two #1 votes, totaling 6 points, is rjwanderer:
“If we can save even one child (except in the case of abortion)…”
-King Barack OMoloch
In third place, with one #1 vote and one #2 vote, totaling 5 points, is Mr. Brown:
“OK kids, next time your teacher makes you read the United States Constitution you just give her this note, and tell her the President says it’s not relevant.”
Siddhartha Vicious is in 4 place, with two #2 votes, totaling 4 points:
“Umm, we are sure that none of these kids were ‘killed’ in Newtown, right?”
Chris Meissen and Dave Newberry are both in 5th place, each with one #1 vote, totaling 3 points each.
boatrocker, Grumpy in Arizona‘s other caption, and JoJo are all in 6th place, each receiving one #2 vote, totaling 2 points each.
Congratulations, Grumpy in Arizona! Here’s your super-duper one-of-a-kind hand-scribbled Award Certificate of Excellence!
For all the other captions, go here!
Be here tomorrow for our next Caption Contest!